Dr. Lin does not keep his talents and skills to himself. He and his team use their expertise to help the underprivileged and has gone on medical mission trips since 2002, many of which he personally organized. He treated those who normally could not afford treatment and has visited the poor in different countries including the Pantanal, Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico and Guatemala.
If you want to know more about his trips, feel free to ask him as he is always glad to share his experiences with you!
If you want to know more about his trips, feel free to ask him as he is always glad to share his experiences with you!
從2002年開始,Dr. Lin和他的團隊到過很多國家和地區做醫療短宣,如:巴西的亞馬遜森林、尼加拉瓜、墨西哥、瓜地馬拉、海地、非洲等等,來幫助許多貧困地區的弱勢群體,及偏鄉地區的居民服務,為當地患者提供免費的醫療治療。
Haiti Mission (2018)
Haiti Mission (2017)
Angola Mission (2010)
Paraguay and Brazil Mission (2008)